Medical Attention

In the aftermath of a sexual assault, one of the most immediate concerns is for the health and safety of the survivor.

- Questions and concerns about sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS, pregnancy and injury can be addressed by coming to the hospital as soon as possible after an  assault.

- The sexual assault exam is conducted by specially trained MUSC medical staff in a safe and private area within 120 hours (5 days) of the assault.

- The exam includes a physical assessment, forensic evidence collection, prophylactic treatment for sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy (as desired), evaluation for HIV/AIDS risk and information about medical follow up.  There is no charge for this examination, whether an official police report is filed or the student wishes to remain anonymous. 

A student may request a sexual assault exam and treatment within 120 hours of the assault even without making a police report.  Evidence will still be collected and stored for 1 year.  This allows the student time to make an informed decision about whether to report a sexual assault.  If no police  report is made within a year, the evidence will be destroyed. A student who files a police report will be  transported by the police agency to the nearest hospital facility authorized to conduct the exam. This medical examination gives law enforcement  an opportunity to obtain any possible evidence necessary to support your case should you choose to handle this through the criminal justice process .   Evidence collection is based upon the account of the assault and may include:

  • Photos of the physical trauma
  • Pubic hair combings
  • Fingernail scrapings or swabs
  • Oral, anal, and vaginal swabs sent to crime lab for DNA testing
  • Blood and/or urine for toxicology testing
  • Clothing worn at the time of the crime may be collected
MUSC Adult Emergency Room  - there is no charge for the examination and associated treatment-within 120 hours (5 days) of the assault
96 Jonathan Lucas St #210, Charleston, SC 29425

College of Charleston Student Health Services (843.953.5520)

The following services are available to survivors of sexual assault who are treated at Student Health Services. Please note that evidence for prosecution cannot be collected at this facility.

  • Examination and testing for STIs
  • Discuss ways to reduce the risk of pregnancy including emergency contraception (morning after pill)
  • Pregnancy testing
  • Referrals for further treatment and counseling

If you are unsure of what you what you want to do, the Office of Victim Services Specialists can review your options with you. (843.953.2273)